

a24 (1)
I am not an Architect. I am not an Interior Designer. I do not make commissions on any products you buy or vendors you use. I am an artist, problem solver, and a creative thinker free from the “boxes” others try to put me into and their “stories.” I see through the lens of “what it could be” without limits and thrive on the opportunity to innovate, create, and cause things to become. My years of experience designing, managing tenant improvements, improving, beautifying, and maintaining commercial space ensure that my conceptual ideas and designs function efficiently. My life as an artist ensure my conceptual ideas and designs look and feel extraordinary. I have learned to harness the opposing powers of an artist mind and a detailed “everything in its place” brain to create. While thinking about current needs, I analyze future expectations to develop a modern sustainable environment where people can thrive at what they do with less impact on our earth’s resources.


I have been privileged to work with a trusted group of craftsmen, artists, architects. developers, designers, furniture vendors, contractors, and environmental energy conservation professionals.

 Specializing in:

  • Conceptual Design Consulting
  • 3D Drawing

Experience in:

  • Tenant Improvements, Design and Management
  • Environmentally Responsible Green Design
  • Commercial Furniture Systems, Specification and Programming
  • Green Building Materials Specification
  • Office Workflow Planning and Layout
  • Construction/Project Management
  • Design Build Quality Assurance